Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Winner of the election is the Loser.

I've been following the election very closely. For a very long time, I was pretty sure that Obama was going wax the floor with McCain. McCain has run a very poor campaign, and quite frankly, on that criterion alone, he deserves to lose.

But, what we face in this election is definitely a different direction in the country, either now or in a couple years. The party that wins will be the losers.

Let's start with the Democrats first. Barack Obama is the most liberal/leftist candidate I have ever witnessed run for POTUS. He is an absolute socialist/Marxist. (His mantra of change is not a lie- most that are voting for him really don't understand the breadth of change that he will bring to this country.) The fact is, the Democrats essentially cheated to have BHO nominated. They nominated the most far left candidate possible. And if he wins, he will also have a Supermajority in Congress with which he can pass any law his socialist heart desires. And don't forget, he's not going to stop his leftist colleagues in Congress from passing whatever they want, either. The GOP will have zero say in the matter if the Dems get a filibuster-proof Congress.

So, what kind of bills will be passed? All you have to do is look at how BHO has run his campaign to see. Free speech will be drastically limited through passage of the Fairness Doctrine. In one case, the BHO campaign tried to silence a certain campaign from talking about voter fraud because they deemed what was being said as "false." (Does that matter? Once you have the power to silence truly false statements, silencing statements with which you disagree are not far behind.) If you look at how the station in FL was treated when they interviewed Biden in a way that the BHO campaign didn't like, then you might see a glimpse of what is to come.

And you can look at the tax cut/raise stories all over, about how his campaign has started to lower the top amount that will be taxed, from 300k getting tax hikes down to now 150k getting tax hikes.

Look at his associations, and you will see what kind of people he will surround himself with in office.

And so on.

But how is this a losing proposition for Obama and the Dems? As it always happens, the Dems will far overreach with the power that we will have given them. After passing punitive tax legislation, restricting free speech, socializing everything in their grasp, the American people will finally understand what Change BHO meant.

And because of that the GOP will have an extremely easy win in 2010 or 2012. And it is possible that they might actually stay in power for a long time this time.

Now about the GOP.

From 1994-2006, the GOP held a comfortable majority in Congress. But every election, it seemed the GOP slid toward bigger government, massive spending, etc. They have completely forsaken the principles upon which the 1994 Revolution was founded. The GOP practically refuses to fight against the Democrats, which has contributed to their loss and the trashing of the "GOP brand."

If the GOP wins, then the same people will remain in office. The GOP will remain stagnant and the Democrats will be able to regroup, learn from their mistakes (which they do much, much, much better than Republicans) and come back again with a vengeance in 2010 or 2012.

So, in a way, I'm almost hoping for a huge Democratic victory. If that happens, then the GOP's house will be cleaned out of the slackers and in 2010/2012, a new breed of Republicans that actually care about why they were elected will rise up from the ashes.