Thursday, January 31, 2008

Primary Predictions

If you've been paying attention, you'd know that it's basically a fight between Romney and McCain. I'm not going to go into all the details about how McCain has gotten to where he is or why this was Romney's race to lose or whatever else I've had on my mind lately. I just want to offer a few predictions as to what I think is going to happen on and after next Tuesday (Super Duper Tuesday).

  1. Huckabee will not drop out before Super Tuesday. Everyone, including Huck, knows that he cannot possibly win. But, every vote for Huck is a vote for McCain, simply because Romney and Huckabee attract basically the same voting block. I smell something fishy.
  2. If McCain wins the lion's share of delegates on Super Duper Tuesday, point number one will be why.
  3. Because of this, McCain will pick Huck for VP. I suspect some sort of collusion.
  4. As soon as it is absolutely clear that McCain is the nominee and there is no chance of anyone else getting it, the tone in the media will change. McCain will be MURDERED (no, not literally) by the MSM. No more love-fest for him. Ever heard of the Keating 5? Probably not. But you will. Did you know that McCain called his Vietnamese captors "gooks?" You will. Over and over again. Did you know that McCain had Melanoma? Oh, you certainly will. And you'll get worst-case scenarios all over the place about how he could have a recurrence of it.
  5. If McCain's should candidacy should possibly survive the nine-month onslaught of vicious negative reporting and he happens to win the presidency, the millions of GOPers that contributed to his nomination will very quickly have a "Oh God! What have we done?" moment.
    1. The Fairness Doctrine will be passed. Why? Because the Democrats will have a majority, possibly a Super-Majority in Congress, so even if McCain would veto it, they will over-ride it. I predict that he would sign it, as punishment to the conservatives who now are trying to mobilize the GOP to vote for Romney.
    2. Shamnesty. Period. It will likely be the first law he signs.
    3. Supreme Court justices? Ha! You think Bush had a hard time? Geeeez....
    4. McCain will start his presidency with lower approval ratings than Bush had at his worst. The GOP doesn't trust him, even dislikes him. The MSM will ensure that McCain is well-hated by the GOPers that don't already dislike him. The Left hates him because he has claimed total credit for the success of the Surge, which has utterly embarrassed the Left on the subject of the war. McCain is in a Lose-Lose situation.
  6. If it's McCain vs. Hillary, then McCain might possibly win because of the high negatives that Hillary has and the possibility of Nader or Bloomberg getting in the race and taking votes from Hillary.
  7. If it's McCain vs. Obama, you can forget it. Obama will crush McCain. Easily. The debates will be like a train hitting a compact car.
Okay, so it looks grim now, according to my predictions. I hope I'm wrong and Romney pulls out a few victories on Tuesday so that the GOP doesn't all go into this big 5 year state of depression...

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