Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Arbitrary Softball

I've never really been into sports. In fact, in High School, I actually lettered in Chess, as you may know if you are a faithful reader. But, I do have some experience with pretty much every sport, as it seems that sports are almost a requirement to learn while in school.

The other morning, we were told to show up for PT almost an hour early to "cheer on the unit softball team." I'm down with that.

So, I show up and it turns out that "cheer on" means "play on." Great. Just what I've been dreaming of for months: the opportunity to demonstrate my lack of athletic prowess in front of my entire unit.

Turns out that mostly everyone was just pretty average. In fact, I was able to make two RBIs and got complimented on my outfielding skills by the Battalion Commander. I don't know, maybe his expectations were low because we were picked to be on the team at random.

So, it turns out that I'm now officially on the team and we have to play a couple times a week until June. I guess we'll see how that turns out, but I'm feeling like I need to head down to the local batting cage and get some practice.

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