Sunday, June 03, 2007

A Question for the Candidates

Obesity is an epidemic. The cost to treat health problems related to overweight and obese Americans is now in the billions. At least 34% of Americans are overweight and 32% of Americans are obese. This number is rising all the time.

As President, what will you do to curb this trend?


Anonymous said...

Here is quote for all, "The government that governs best is the government that governs least." Is it the place of government to even address the problem? Of course, it must because it is paying the tab. Being overweight or obese causes a host of health problems, including but not limited to cancer, diabedes, etc. and the welfare state that we live in is picking up the tab and passing it to us. So, it must do something. Yet, I still wonder at it having to tell people what they already know, that "they should eat less and be more active."

Matt M. said...

Oh... yeah. Sorry about that. I had just finished watching the Democratic debates where Hillary and Obama pushed their Socialized Healthcare Reforms.

You are right. Smaller government is better.

It's been said that obesity is the pandemic of the poor. And who takes advantage of more government programs than anyone else? The poor. If I'm paying for those programs, I'd like to see the government put some money into keeping those costs down.

Anonymous said...

This is mean, but perhaps the government should cut food stamps to the lower income who are over-weight. How many butterballs have you seen swiping an EBT card for sugary garbage that I can't even afford. No, I take that back, it's not mean. NO MORE FOOD STAMPS FOR OBESE! They are just wasting the tax payer's money and creating another Medicare/Medicaid bill in time.

Matt M. said...

I don't know if you are being facetious or not, but I completely disagree.

Not all obese Americans are that way because of a lack of disciplined eating habits. There are some that have become obese because of certain medical conditions. Obese Americans are not obese because they eat too much. They are obese because of what they eat and their lack knowledge of nutrition education and exercise.

Discrimination against obese Americans may make us feel good about solving a problem, but it really solves no problem, and in fact makes our government bigger.

Consider that we would have to qualify would be considered obese. Who would do that? The grocery store checker? Of course not. The government would have to do that. All of a sudden, we have a larger government.

Additionally, consider that the welfare program is a prime example of how the government solves problems: just throw a bunch of money at it and the problem will solve itself, much like a house builds itself once the lumber, nails and such are all assembled on a piece of property.

The welfare system itself is broken because it doesn't allow for recipients to purchase what they need, like toilet paper, feminine products, cleaning supplies and such, but does allow them to purchase pretty much anything else that's edible. At least, that is how I remember the EBT system to work.

If we truly wanted to effect change in this area, the government could make certain foods ineligible for purchase or at least put a cap on the amount of a certain type of food that should be purchased- and allow essential non-foods to be purchased through the EBT program.