Saturday, October 13, 2007

Long Overdue...

After Valentino died, we decided that we needed to honor his death by saving another kitten from the shelter. And we did just that.

Denise has always wanted a little orange kitty, so we went looking for one at our shelter. And we found one. Or rather, she found us.

We were walking down the aisle of cages and all the kitties and puppies were making all kinds of noise, "Pick me! Pick me!" they were saying....

But this one skinny little orange kitten was quiet, but stared us down, cocking her head to the side and pawing the glass with one paw, following us as we passed. Of course we had to check her out and she snuggled up to us, purring, as soon as we got her out of the cage. There was no going back after that. Our fate had been decided.

She sure was sickly, though. She had worms and fleas very bad, ear mites, too, and she was so skinny that we could see her ribs through her fur. Her face was "alien-like" as Denise would say. And after we got her first round of shots, she went through this funk and we thought she wouldn't make it. She quit eating and drinking and just laid around squeaking (barely meowing). We had to feed her kitten milk replacement for a couple of days before she came around.

She's a good cat now. Denise wanted to call her Dulce (Dul-che) which means "sweet" in Spanish, so that is her name.

She's still a little small. She's got huge ears and a very long tail, so we think she'll grow into them and maybe get to be just a bit smaller than Mr. Roboto (who is HUGE now!).

Dulce's favorite trick is to sleep on my face when I'm sleeping or watching TV. And she's very playful. She loves running around the house with her little stuffed animals in her mouth, growling at Mr. Roboto any time he tries to come near her. Every other day we have to go around the house and pick up all the cat toys that she drags out and carries around with her and put them back in their cat-toy basket.

Dulce and Mr. Roboto love to play. They chase each other around the house all the time, climbing on absolutely everything and making all kinds of noise.


Anonymous said...

your new family member is adorable! your story about her first few days remind me of when i rescued my kitty yoda.

hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Finally - pics of the neice & nephew kittens!