Saturday, April 28, 2007

Getting the Chair...

I had my semi-annual teeth cleaning the other day. I'm lucky. I have good teeth, like my dad. Yeah, I don't take care of them like I should, or so says the dentist, but I've never had a cavity.

So, I was in the grocery store today, pondering the experience in my dentist's office and I remembered that I needed some refills for my fancy-schmancy flosser thing. It's the Reach Flosser, the one you click on the flossers and click them off when you are done. Ah, forget it, here's the link.

Anyway, I'm sorting through the multiple flavors and my choices basically this: mint, another version of mint, some other kind of mint and unflavored. I don't like mint anything. I don't like mint candies, mint toothpicks, mint-flavored gum and whatever else kind of crap can be flavored with mint. I don't know why this is. Maybe it's genetic. Or something.

So, I'm standing there realizing that I'm just going to wind up settling for the unflavored flosser refills when I have this great idea. Why not have other flavors of flossers? Heck, it's only string, right? Why not a fruity flavor, like strawberry or pineapple? Or maybe pizza flavor? Why not steak flavor? (I'd love to have steak flavored anything, really: Ice Cream, Fitness Water/Sports Drinks, Toothpaste, Cereal, you name it. If there was anything else out there that was steak-flavored, besides steak, I would have it. My whole house would essentially be a carnivore's heaven.... until my wife came home and made me take it all back to the store, of course.)

There's always been this old joke about why cat food is always flavored the way it is and why there is never any rat-flavored cat food.

I gotta say that if these tooth-care companies wanted to increase business and sell more, they should definitely make more flavors of their products.

Yeah, I understand why toothpaste is "Minty Fresh" and mouthwash basically tastes and feels like you are gargling with sulfuric acid. I mean, I wouldn't want to have to talk to someone whose breath smelled like pizza or steak, either, so that makes sense. But, come on... can we get a decent flavor of those flosser things?

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