Friday, April 27, 2007

Here's a question for the candidates:

I'm pretty sure that we will be withdrawing from Iraq within the next couple years, whether the job is finished or not. I am thinking more and more that the Democratic Congress will essentially force the President to sign a war funding bill with an exit date attached. If that doesn't happen, it is a distinct possibility that we will get a Democrat for President. I think they have all promised, on some level, to withdraw us from Iraq. If that happens, the "insurgents" in Iraq will likely find a new place to attack. My guess is Afghanistan, where will wind up "losing" there, too, in a matter of years.

So here's my question:

After we withdraw, what do you intend to do about Al-Qaeda and terrorism?

They/It will come here. Our borders are like a sieve, and anyone who thinks that Al-Qaeda hasn't taken advantage of that is a fool. (If even 1% of the illegal immigrants that have crossed our souther border are Al-Qaeda...) Many places I have read think it really is just a matter of time before we see another serious act of terrorism in America. Since Al-Qaeda isn't a country that we can attack, how will we retaliate? Half-jokingly, if we withdraw from Iraq, it will be come the next country Al-Qaeda occupies, much like pre-9/11 Afghanistan so does that mean we will invade Iraq again?

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