Monday, April 23, 2007

Hand over foot over hand over foot...

So, in my mind, I would like to think that I'm an avid rock climber. Yes, I did some indoor rock climbing a little less than two years ago and I loved it. I never went back, but the experience has always been one of my favorites of my time here in Texas.

After I came back from Kuwait, I picked up some weight, maybe about 15-20 pounds (partially from getting my wisdom teeth out and not being able to exercise for almost a month- complications....) and I needed to lose it. So, I started running more. And more. And not much happened.

I decided that I needed a new hobby since I no longer play video games. (Oh, wait... I'm going to have to blog about that, too.) I already have a lot of experience in Karate, so I didn't want to do that all over again, so I figured I'd take up something that is healthy and fun. Rock Climbing it is!

So, I made that decision and on the day that I was going to go down to the local rock climbing gym, I had a doctor's appointment because my right thigh had been hurting for a while, and a few days of rest didn't get rid of the pain.

Turns out, because of all the running I've been doing lately, that I likely have a stress fracture in my right femur. Don't know for absolutely sure, but I have a Bone Scan on 1 May, possibly earlier if I can get squeezed in because of a cancellation.

So, I can't run, I can't bike, I can't climb. I'm just supposed to take it easy for 30 days or more.

But, I can swim and that's cool. I've never done any kind of athletic swimming before. So, every day, I go down to the indoor pool and I swim for 30 minutes. It is much more enjoyable than running, and it's better for me, too.

So, hopefully, I can get through this low point in my physical health rather quickly so I can get on with my life. I've got some stuff I need to get done but I can't do until I get better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! (Just not on a rock wall until you're leg's healed up!)